Summer Schools/Spring Schools

Spring School 2024
Ports on the Danube in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History, Architecture, Peopleäfen an der Donau im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Geschichte, Architektur, Menschen

From April 16 to 19, a Spring School was held at the IdGL with 14 students from the Danube region!

The student seminars held regularly at the IdGL with participants from Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bosnia and other countries offer the opportunity to support young academics in the field of Danube-Swabian and Central and South-Eastern European history and culture. This year's Spring School took place as part of the "Ports on the Danube" project funded by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation. Lecturers from Serbia also took part in the seminar, further strengthening the good cooperation with the University of Novi Sad. The seminar focused on the different concepts of the Danube region and the integrative power of the Danube for politics, the economy and culture. In addition to thematic panels on the history and infrastructure of individual Danube ports, the program included an excursion to Ulm and a visit to the Danube Swabian Central Museum. The IdGL would like to take this opportunity to thank the DZM for the excellent cooperation and for the Danube riverbank tour by Mr. Wolf-Henning Petershagen.

Summer School 2023
Migrations – Minorities – Memories. Approaches to the History and Culture of South Eastern Europe

The IdGL Summer School 2023 took place under the title “Migrations – Minorities – Memories. Approaches to the History and Culture of South Eastern Europe” from 23-28. July 2023 in Tübingen. Ten students and doctoral candidates from five countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Hungary) took part

The languages ​​of communication at the summer school, which offered thematic seminars and a cultural program, were German and English. The event, which was successful from the perspective of the participants and the institute, marks the start of the summer and spring schools that will be organized annually by the institute in the future.