Jahrestagung des IdGL: Die Stadt im Wandel. Transformationsprozesse in Südosteuropa seit den 1980er Jahren

  • 08. Oktober 2022 09:00 - 14:00
  • Tübingen

Thursday, October 6th 2022

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler, Director of the Institute for Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies, Tübingen

If Cars Could Walk: Postsocialist Streets between Circulation and Conviviality
Prof. Dr. Ger Duijzings, Regensburg


Friday, October 7th 2022

I. Work and Society in Transition
Moderation: Dr. Alexa von Winning, Tübingen
9:00 – 10:20

Transformation, Krisen, Wandel? Humangeographische Perspektiven auf drei Jahrzehnte gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen in Sofia und darüber hinaus
Prof. Dr. Christian Smigiel, Salzburg

Transformation der Arbeit in Budapest nach 1989: die Stadt in der neuen internationalen Arbeitsteilung
Dr. Márton Czirfusz, Budapest

10:20 – 10:35 Break

II. Urban Planning and Urban Property
Moderation: Dr. Olivia Spiridon, Tübingen
10:35 – 11:55

Belgrade Waterfront
Dr. Nikolina Bobić, Plymouth

Property Rights and Restitution in Novi Sad
PD Dr. Daniela Simon, Tübingen

11:55 – 14:25
Lunch break followed by a visit to the Institute for Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies

III. Urban Redevelopment and Urban Ethics
Moderation: Dr. Cristian Cercel, Tübingen
14:25 – 15:45

The Good, the Bad and the Uncertain Heritage: Controversies over Local Identity and Urban Redevelopment in Contemporary Iași
Dr. Liliana Iuga, Aachen

Stadtfragmente – Ethische Debatten und symbolische Kämpfe in Bukarest
Dr. Daniel Habit, München

15:45 – 16:00 Break

IV. Redefinition of State Socialist Architecture and Industry
Moderation: Lorena Popović M. A., Tübingen
16:00 – 17:20

State-Socialist Housing as Heritage: An Examination of Housing Estates in Prague and Belgrade
Dr. Maja Babić, Prag

Stadt am Wasser – Neudefinition der alten Hafenanlagen in den Donaustädten von Wien bis Budapest
Prof. Dr. Máté Tamáska, Debrecen and Vác

18:00 Dinner


Saturday, October 8th 2022

V. Cultural Heritage and Memory
Moderation: Biana Raffaela Hepp, M.A., Tübingen
9:00 – 10:20

Palimpsest or Glass Onion of Urban Memory: Ušće, an Urban Neighborhood of Belgrade, from 1988 to 2020
Prof. Dr. Milan Popadić, Belgrade

Post-Socialist Post-Imperial Presence in Alba Iulia und Sarajevo
Dr. Gruia Badescu, Konstanz

10:20 – 10:35 Break

VI. The Transformation of the City in the Focus of Science and the Public: Books, Projects and Exhibitions
Moderation: Dr. habil. Mathias Beer, Tübingen
10:35 – 12:00

Temeswar/Timișoara/Temesvár. Eine kleine Stadtgeschichte – Book Presentation
PD Dr. Tobias Weger, München

Digitalisierungsprojekt „Sammlung Temeswar“
Jan Schrastetter M.A., München

Capital of Culture Novi Sad, Virtual Exhibition
PD Dr. Daniela Simon, Tübingen

12:00 – 12:20 Concluding Discussion


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