Jahrestagung des IdGL: Die Stadt im Wandel. Transformationsprozesse in Südosteuropa seit den 1980er Jahren
Thursday, October 6th 2022
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler, Director of the Institute for Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies, Tübingen
If Cars Could Walk: Postsocialist Streets between Circulation and Conviviality
Prof. Dr. Ger Duijzings, Regensburg
Friday, October 7th 2022
I. Work and Society in Transition
Moderation: Dr. Alexa von Winning, Tübingen
9:00 – 10:20
Transformation, Krisen, Wandel? Humangeographische Perspektiven auf drei Jahrzehnte gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen in Sofia und darüber hinaus
Prof. Dr. Christian Smigiel, Salzburg
Transformation der Arbeit in Budapest nach 1989: die Stadt in der neuen internationalen Arbeitsteilung
Dr. Márton Czirfusz, Budapest
10:20 – 10:35 Break
II. Urban Planning and Urban Property
Moderation: Dr. Olivia Spiridon, Tübingen
10:35 – 11:55
Belgrade Waterfront
Dr. Nikolina Bobić, Plymouth
Property Rights and Restitution in Novi Sad
PD Dr. Daniela Simon, Tübingen
11:55 – 14:25
Lunch break followed by a visit to the Institute for Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies
III. Urban Redevelopment and Urban Ethics
Moderation: Dr. Cristian Cercel, Tübingen
14:25 – 15:45
The Good, the Bad and the Uncertain Heritage: Controversies over Local Identity and Urban Redevelopment in Contemporary Iași
Dr. Liliana Iuga, Aachen
Stadtfragmente – Ethische Debatten und symbolische Kämpfe in Bukarest
Dr. Daniel Habit, München
15:45 – 16:00 Break
IV. Redefinition of State Socialist Architecture and Industry
Moderation: Lorena Popović M. A., Tübingen
16:00 – 17:20
State-Socialist Housing as Heritage: An Examination of Housing Estates in Prague and Belgrade
Dr. Maja Babić, Prag
Stadt am Wasser – Neudefinition der alten Hafenanlagen in den Donaustädten von Wien bis Budapest
Prof. Dr. Máté Tamáska, Debrecen and Vác
18:00 Dinner
Saturday, October 8th 2022
V. Cultural Heritage and Memory
Moderation: Biana Raffaela Hepp, M.A., Tübingen
9:00 – 10:20
Palimpsest or Glass Onion of Urban Memory: Ušće, an Urban Neighborhood of Belgrade, from 1988 to 2020
Prof. Dr. Milan Popadić, Belgrade
Post-Socialist Post-Imperial Presence in Alba Iulia und Sarajevo
Dr. Gruia Badescu, Konstanz
10:20 – 10:35 Break
VI. The Transformation of the City in the Focus of Science and the Public: Books, Projects and Exhibitions
Moderation: Dr. habil. Mathias Beer, Tübingen
10:35 – 12:00
Temeswar/Timișoara/Temesvár. Eine kleine Stadtgeschichte – Book Presentation
PD Dr. Tobias Weger, München
Digitalisierungsprojekt „Sammlung Temeswar“
Jan Schrastetter M.A., München
Capital of Culture Novi Sad, Virtual Exhibition
PD Dr. Daniela Simon, Tübingen
12:00 – 12:20 Concluding Discussion